We, Kansai Airports Group, recognize the importance of solving environmental problems on a global scale and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through the operation of airports, which are public infrastructure.
Kansai Airports Group has established an environmental promotion system to promote group-wide environmental activities.
Under the Group Environmental Promotion Committee (chaired by the CEO and Co-CEO), which consists of the heads of divisions and group companies, each division and group company implements the action plans it has formulated and regularly assesses and reports on them to improve its initiatives.
We are also promoting environmental initiatives in cooperation with airport-related businesses through the Airport Environmental Promotion Councils of the three airports and the Airport Decarbonization Promotion Councils established by the airport administrator.
Environmental training will be conducted for all employees in order to foster a culture in which each employee diligently self-improves and promotes environmental initiatives in their daily work.
Our progress will be reviewd by utilizing third-party verification, while aligning with our goals