Kansai Airports

Current noise level

We have installed nine noise measuring stations in KIX, ten in ITAMI and four in KOBE, and are conducting 24-hour automatic measurements. The current noise levels measured at these stations are shown below.

Noise Level Display Page
  • The noise level of each measuring station is displayed every two seconds. The unit is dB (A).
  • The value that can be confirmed is the measured value (instantaneous values) from 3 minutes before to 30 days before and is different from the evaluated value (Lden). When an aircraft approaches, the station receives the transponder signal sent by the aircraft and the circle gets bigger.
  • Because other nearby sounds may be measured when the transponder signal is received, not all noise values received by the transponder signal are aircraft noise.
  • The display may be delayed or unavailable depending on the quality of your device or internet connection.

Aircraft noise level

Instantaneous value

  • This is the measured instantaneous value at the noise measurement station installed by Kansai Airports.
  • Displays the measured value every 2 seconds at each measurement station.
  • Non-aircraft sounds are included.

Evaluation value (Lden)

  • This is an evaluation value over a certain period of time based on the noise value measured at the noise measurement station installed by Kansai Airports.
  • Since only aircraft noise is identified from the measured noise, no other sound is included.
  • Energy is calculated and evaluated for each aircraft when the difference between the maximum noise level and the background noise level is 10 dB or more.

  • Calculate the energy of each noise level for the number of occurrences.
  • The same sound feels louder late at night and early in the morning, so weight it according to the time zone.
    (From 19:00 to 22:00: + 5 dB , From 22:00 to 7:00: + 10 dB)
  • Calculate an evaluation value (Lden) by summing all the energy in a time period (one day unit).
Review of Aircraft Noise Assessment
Since FY 2013, the Aircraft Noise Assessment Index has been changed from "Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level (WEPCNL, so called " value W")" to ''Day-evening-night equivalent sound?level (Lden)''. *The WEPCNL "value W " is also published as a reference value for the observation results.

Reference of noise level

Noise level varies depending on the measurement time and various conditions.
Below is the reference of noise level.

As of 1st April, 2016, Kansai Airports succeeded the operating right for both Kansai International Airport and Osaka Itami Airport. Please note that the name of the previous operator, New Kansai International Airport Company, Ltd., is described in some materials and articles related to previous operation.