Kansai Airports

Procurement Information

This is the procurement information of Kansai Airports.

Environmental Procurement Guidelines

In promoting our environmental activities, we would like to promote cooperation with our suppliers based on clearer environmental procurement guidelines for understanding our company's environmental philosophy through these guidelines.

“Purchase One” Registration

Our company uses “Purchase One purchasing system” manage by SB C & S for the procurement of small amounts (10 million yen or less). Transactions within “Purchase One” require a vendor registration. If you are willing to register , please contact the Procurement Department.

Electronic Contracts

Our company is promoting electronic contracts with the aim of reducing the burden on our suppliers. In principle, electronic contracts will be used for contracts of 1 million yen or more. The electronic contract service to be used is "CECTRU ST-Light," an electronic contract service provided by Construction-EC.com.
For details of the service, please visit https://www.construction-ec.com/cectrust-light/.


Our company is requesting the submission of a “Confidential Information Pledge” regarding the handling of information to be disclosed to bidding participants related to the procurement project.

For inquiries, please contact :Kansai Airports Procurement Department

Mail Address kap-procurement@kansai-airports.co.jp

As of 1st April, 2016, Kansai Airports succeeded the operating right for both Kansai International Airport and Osaka Itami Airport. Please note that the name of the previous operator, New Kansai International Airport Company, Ltd., is described in some materials and articles related to previous operation.