Kansai Airports

Environmental Plan

Environmental Vision 2050

Kansai Airports Group contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting initiatives for decarbonization, circular economy, and environmental symbiosis.

  • Net zero greenhouse gas emissions in business activities of Kansai Airports Group
  • Contribution to the reduction of green house gas emissions for the entire airports, including airport-related businesses
Circular economy
  • Zero Waste Airport
    • Thorough reduction, sorting and recycling
    • Recycling rate: 100%
Environmental symbiosis
  • Ensuring a healthy living environment around the airports
    • Monitoring aircraft noise and the surrounding environment
  • Symbiosis with nature
    • Efficient use of water resources
    • Conservation of water and soil environments
    • Contributing to ensuring a healthy ecosystem

Environmental Goals 2030

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by Kansai Airports Group by 50% from the FY2016 level
Major initiatives
  • Promotion of energy conservation
  • Use of renewable energy and hydrogen
  • Promotion of the Zero Emission Vehicles introduction
Circular economy
  • Not to increase the amount of incinerated waste of the entire airports from the FY2016 level
  • Reduce the amount of single-use plastic by Kansai Airports Group by 30% from the FY2016 level
Major initiatives
  • Use of eco-friendly materials
  • Reduction of plastics, conversion of materials and closed-loop recycling
  • Further reduction, sorting and recycling of combustible waste
Environmental symbiosis
  • Continue appropriate and steady monitoring of noise and the surrounding environment
  • Not to increase the total water use of the entire airports from the FY2016 level
  • Reduce the clean water use by Kansai Airports Group by 15% from the FY2016 level
  • Conservation of biodiversity
Major initiatives
  • Monitoring of aircraft noise and surrounding environment
  • Active utilization of grey water (recycled water and rainwater) and enhanced water conservation operations
  • Maintaining the rich seaweed bed environment

Environmental Management

Environmental Management
Environmental Promotion Structure

Kansai Airports Group has established an environmental promotion system to promote group-wide environmental activities. Under the Group Environmental Promotion Committee (chaired by the CEO and Co-CEO), which consists of the heads of divisions and group companies, each division and group company implements the action plans it has formulated and regularly assesses and reports on them to improve its initiatives. We are also promoting environmental initiatives in cooperation with airport-related businesses through the Airport Environmental Promotion Councils of the three airports and the Airport Decarbonization Promotion Councils established by the airport administrator.

Raise awareness

Environmental training will be conducted for all employees in order to foster a culture in which each employee diligently self-improves and promotes environmental initiatives in their daily work.

Acquire a certification

Our progress will be reviewd by utilizing third-party verification, while aligning with our goals.

Environmental Plan Brochure

Environmental Vision 2050

As of 1st April, 2016, Kansai Airports succeeded the operating right for both Kansai International Airport and Osaka Itami Airport. Please note that the name of the previous operator, New Kansai International Airport Company, Ltd., is described in some materials and articles related to previous operation.