Kansai Airports

The amount of settlement at the measuring points

The amount of settlement at the measuring points

Measuring Point Depth of
from KIX
opening year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 av.

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -
'94.12 8.76 7.88 10.78 10.31 9.69 8.82 9.00 10.98 10.46 9.86 8.79 10.50 10.38 9.96 10.82 8.13 11.87 9.82 0.00
'95.11 9.11 8.25 11.17 10.71 10.06 9.22 9.34 11.38 10.88 10.22 9.15 10.95 10.87 10.47 11.20 8.33 12.32 10.21 0.39
'96.11 9.44 8.59 11.54 11.09 10.43 9.59 9.63 11.74 11.28 10.55 9.44 11.35 11.29 10.91 11.52 8.51 12.70 10.56 0.74
'97.11 9.74 8.87 11.88 11.43 10.79 9.89 9.88 12.08 11.63 10.86 9.69 11.71 11.63 11.26 11.80 8.65 13.10 10.87 1.05
'99.02 10.11 9.23 12.29 11.85 11.19 10.28 10.21 12.49 12.02 11.20 9.99 12.14 12.04 11.66 12.11 8.84 13.53 11.25 1.43
'99.12 10.33 9.44 12.51 12.08 11.43 10.49 10.37 12.73 12.26 11.40 10.15 12.39 12.26 11.89 12.30 8.93 13.78 11.45 1.63
'00.12 10.57 9.67 12.76 12.33 11.67 10.71 10.55 12.99 12.49 11.60 10.32 12.65 12.48 12.13 12.50 9.04 14.06 11.68 1.86
'01.12 10.78 9.87 13.00 12.57 11.89 10.89 10.69 13.20 12.70 11.79 10.46 12.89 12.68 12.34 12.68 9.13 14.28 11.87 2.05
'02.12 10.97 10.04 13.19 12.77 12.06 11.04 10.82 13.42 12.87 11.94 10.59 13.07 12.86 12.52 12.83 9.22 14.46 12.04 2.22
'03.12 11.13 10.19 13.36 12.91 12.21 11.17 10.90 13.54 13.02 12.08 10.71 13.25 13.02 12.69 12.98 9.29 14.64 12.18 2.36
'04.12 11.26 10.30 13.49 13.04 12.32 11.27 10.98 13.66 13.12 12.18 10.80 13.40 13.17 12.84 13.12 9.38 14.78 12.30 2.48
'05.12 11.38 10.41 13.60 13.14 12.42 11.35 11.05 13.73 13.21 12.28 10.88 13.50 13.28 12.97 13.22 9.43 14.87 12.40 2.58
'06.12 11.48 10.50 13.73 13.26 12.51 11.42 11.12 13.81 13.30 12.36 10.95 13.59 13.39 13.08 13.33 9.49 14.96 12.49 2.67
'07.12 11.58 10.59 13.83 13.34 12.59 11.49 11.16 13.87 13.36 12.44 11.01 13.67 13.47 13.19 13.41 9.53 15.04 12.56 2.74
'08.12 11.68 10.68 13.93 13.43 12.67 11.55 11.23 13.93 13.42 12.50 11.06 13.74 13.52 13.26 13.48 9.57 15.10 12.63 2.81
'09.12 11.77 10.76 14.02 13.52 12.74 11.62 11.28 13.99 13.49 12.57 11.12 13.81 13.59 13.35 13.56 9.61 15.17 12.71 2.89
'10.12 11.87 10.84 14.12 13.60 12.81 11.69 11.33 14.05 13.55 12.64 11.18 13.87 13.68 13.45 13.65 9.66 15.24 12.78 2.96
'11.12 11.95 10.90 14.21 13.68 12.88 11.75 11.38 14.11 13.62 12.71 11.24 13.94 13.77 13.54 13.72 9.69 15.31 12.85 3.03
'12.12 12.05 10.98 14.30 13.77 12.96 11.82 11.44 14.17 13.68 12.79 11.31 14.01 13.85 13.64 13.79 9.73 15.38 12.92 3.10
'13.12 12.14 11.04 14.39 13.84 13.03 11.88 11.48 14.23 13.76 12.86 11.37 14.08 13.94 13.72 13.87 9.77 15.44 12.99 3.17
'14.12 12.21 11.10 14.46 13.91 13.09 11.94 11.53 14.28 13.82 12.93 11.42 14.14 14.03 13.80 13.94 9.80 15.50 13.05 3.23
'15.12 12.30 11.17 14.55 13.98 13.16 12.00 11.58 14.33 13.87 13.00 11.48 14.20 14.09 13.88 14.00 9.84 15.57 13.12 3.30
'16.12 12.39 11.23 14.63 14.07 13.23 12.06 11.63 14.40 13.94 13.07 11.55 14.27 14.18 13.97 14.08 9.88 15.64 13.19 3.37
'17.12 12.47 11.29 14.70 14.13 13.29 12.11 11.67 14.45 14.00 13.13 11.60 14.33 14.25 14.04 14.14 9.91 15.70 13.25 3.43
'18.12 12.55 11.35 14.78 14.20 13.36 12.17 11.72 14.51 14.06 13.20 11.66 14.39 14.33 14.12 14.21 9.96 15.76 13.31 3.49
'19.12 12.62 11.40 14.85 14.27 13.42 12.23 11.78 14.57 14.13 13.27 11.72 14.45 14.40 14.19 14.27 9.99 15.83 13.38 3.56
'20.12 12.69 11.45 14.92 14.33 13.48 12.28 11.82 14.63 14.18 13.33 11.77 14.51 14.46 14.26 14.33 10.03 15.88 13.43 3.61
'21.12 12.77 11.50 14.99 14.39 13.54 12.34 11.88 14.69 14.25 13.40 11.84 14.57 14.53 14.33 14.39 10.07 15.95 13.50 3.68
'22.12 12.84 11.57 15.05 14.45 13.60 12.40 11.92 14.74 14.30 13.46 11.89 14.63 14.59 14.42 14.44 10.09 16.00 13.55 3.73
'23.12 12.90 11.62 15.12 14.51 13.65 12.46 11.97 14.80 14.36 13.52 11.95 14.68 14.65 14.49 14.49 10.13 16.06 13.61 3.79
<The amount of settlement at the measuring points (accumulated settlement since the beginning of the construction)>

Settlement per year
<Settlement per year>

As of 1st April, 2016, Kansai Airports succeeded the operating right for both Kansai International Airport and Osaka Itami Airport. Please note that the name of the previous operator, New Kansai International Airport Company, Ltd., is described in some materials and articles related to previous operation.